Sunday, June 28, 2015

More on Singles in the Church

My cursor is blinking at me, letting me know that this currently empty page is awaiting my thoughts. Ah my thoughts. They come in torrents, and stay in a jumble. How to make sense of them to get them from my brain to my fingers in a logical fashion. I still don't have a title for this post- mostly because I'm not totally sure what direction it will be taking.

I had a number of conversations this past week that have caused me to want to go ahead with a post of this nature. Its something that has been on my mind for a while- but I have yet to attempt to eloquently write it out. If you recall this post, I began a sort of "series" on my blog about being single today; in relation to the church, the culture, my family and even among my friends group. Although being single is not ideal for me, it's provided me with a unique opportunity to have my current perspective on this issue in the church and my life, of course. If you recall this post, I got a little sassy as I exploited some of the irritations of Christian single girls. I make a lot of generalizations from personal experiences and views; but hey, its my blog. Its ok if I do that, right?

Although this is about singles, its not. This is about the older people in the lives of singles.

I believe that people should have mentors, and be mentors.
Now, I want to be very clear here, without getting into whole other issues. Parents should be the primary disciple makers of their children.
However, mentors are Biblical roles. We see Christ being a leader to his twelve, and what I would define as a "mentor" to three. We see other "mentor" type relationships all through the Bible, way back to Naomi and Ruth (as Naomi guided Ruth through traditions and actions, and Ruth obeyed) to Barnabas and Paul, and in turn Paul and Timothy. There's countless others one could come up with a creative eye. (As I would even consider some such as Abraham and Lot, Esther and Mordechai, and Joseph and Jesus, who although was a father role, really mentored him into his trade.)
I have found two things to be true regarding mentors: when I have had a mentor(or someone playing a similar role in my life), I have someone older, wiser, and less emotionally involved (than my mom or sisters) who is holding me accountable to my walk with the Father. Someone I am having to look at and say "hey I failed. And I need you to lovingly remind me what I vowed to do in my relationship with Christ."
The second thing I have found to be true, is that playing that role (although I have never had an official "mentor" title, I have been an older friend/confidant and someone they have come to seeking wisdom.) I have found that in a way, I am held more accountable to my walk with Christ, feeling like I can give no wisdom, love, admonishment, or anything else unless I am actively pursuing Him. (Not to mention the abundant joy you experience when you are investing into someone other than yourself!)

I don't have a particular Biblical passage to support what I am about to say, it is just something I believe to be a good idea.

I believe that, when it is age appropriate, and the interest exists, that older mentors should be setting up singles with other singles.
Wait. Did she just say she believes in matchmaking? Yes. She did. When you begin to really know the heart of someone you mentor, and you know of someone who just might be suitable for them, set them up. Let them meet each other. Have them over for dinner in an intentional, yet noninvasive setting. Be intentional and proactive in the lives of the singles around you. Chances are not many of them want to be single. But again, know them first.

Why is marriage so important to me? A lot of reasons, really.
1) Our nation is headed fast and furiously in a downward spiral towards everything anti-God, anti-Biblical, and anti-Truth. With a new ruling, that I know you have heard about, "marriage" is going to look pretty cloudy for the next few generations. I believe that marriage, in the true, pure, and correct sense is necessary. And without Godly couples being raised up in the church, traditional couples will soon be a minority.

2) Marriage is important to me, because in addition to Godly couples being necessary in a "cloudy" world, I believe they are necessary in the church. The Church, though fundamentally built on Christ, is impacted greatly by the families that are apart of it; at large and at each specific church congregation. I believe that there is a need for young Christian singles to actively pursue Godly and right relationships and have and raise Godly families. I can't tell you how many times our family has been a testimony where my mom or dad have been able to share. Either the blessing they find in their children, or about God being a Father, or countless other ways. There should be more of this going on. There should be more God centered, Christ following, sinner reaching families in the Church today.

3) Marriage is important to me because I desire marriage. I desire the man that God has designed for me- to walk through the rest of this life with. I desire to serve for and with him. I desire to be his helpmeet, and desire to learn how that will look. Marriage is important to me, because one day it is something I hope to partake in.

4) And through marriage, I desire a family. I desire to have and adopt as many beautiful babies as the Father sees fit. I believe that both childbearing/birth and adoption are Biblical- and that not everyone understands both or either of these things. I desire to have a family made up of every colour, and get to share with people that adoption isn't just for kids with no parents- its for everyone- and I know just the Father they need!

What are some general thoughts on the idea of "matchmaking" in the Church?

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