Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Jesus and Jeans: Behind the name

My mom was asking why I was grouping my "controversial" posts as Jesus&Jeans (all future topical posts of that nature will fall under that name as well.) Since she had questions, I figured perhaps others do as well, and since these recent posts tend to be quite lengthy, I have to work on them for a while before I can post them. I want each of them to be thought out, and written with the accountability of my family, which means they often have to wait until upwards of two people have read them. Although I want to speak truth boldly, I want it also to be Biblically true and I want it to be presented in a way were people don't feel judged by me. All that said, know two things: they aren't shot from the him, carelessly composed rambles about things I know people have issues with, they're thought out, and often even prayed over. The other thing is, all that said, they take quite a while to write up.

SO! Behind the idea of "Jesus and Jeans". This title was borne out of what was going to be my first post, and I ended up writing what I had planned on being my second post, first. Make sense?? I was going to write about the idea of what Christianity and the skirt vs. jeans/pants on women, since we are headed into the season where pants are all the time around us. (For some reason skirts seem more widely accepted when the spring and summer are here.) And since that's what this post will (eventually) encompass, I decided to call it that. But I was getting behind on my writing, and when I sat down to work on it, I found my self looking at the end of October, and I really wanted to put my two cents in on the Halloween articles that had been circulating, so I went ahead with that, but thought "Hey...'Jesus and Jeans' is fairly catchy, and since that in and of its self is a topical idea, I'll just use that as my coverall for all posts of this nature." And that's pretty much how it went down. "Jesus and Jeans" is my unofficial official name for this part of my writing! :)

Up next: Millennials, skepticism, and marriage


Kimber Scotland said...

I'd have to admit that I was rather confused by the name as well! :) It makes more sense now! I'm looking forward to your up-and-coming posts! :)

Have a blessed week!

Love in Christ,
Alexis W.

emp said...

You are a very good writer. i am proud of the woman GOD is shaping you in to- and i love learning from and with you! Thanks for sharing your heart, makes me think indeed!