I think we all by nature want to be joyful, and yet by nature are not. I know that's basically the conundrum I have found myself in. Wanting it, but not actually doing it.
There were a lot of reasons riding on the decision, but a week ago today, I decided to leave facebook for an indefinite period of time. I know that sounds so silly, and people may be wondering why on earth I even felt it was worth mentioning. Have you ever heart the term "keeping up with the Jones"? Being active on facebook fuels that like you wouldn't believe.
This in addition to the horrid behavior I was witnessing from people I love, admire and respect were really the basis of my decision to leave. I didn't need a constant reminder that everyone else's life looks better than mine and that politics can tear families to shreds.
Here's just four quick things I have learned since leaving a week ago:
1) I spend way to much time browsing social media
I hate to admit this, especially right at the top of the list. But this was the most immediate thing I realized. I would pickup my phone upwards of 50 times a day (towards the beginning) to just "check real quick" only to unlock my phone and realize the little icon was no longer there. I found myself substituting with other social media platforms (twitter, and instagram namely) but have started browsing there less as well.
2) Anything I need to know about can be found in other formats and places
So I have thought about going facebook free for a while, but my biggest excuse to myself was that it was the only place I was seeing news. And, that was true. But honestly after leaving, I haven't missed the petty and sometimes depressing headlines. I have however chosen to follow a few news outlets on twitter, and have been able to keep up with what I need to.
3) I think, in some way, being off of facebook has made me a more genuine, kinder person
This might be a bit of a stretch, it might not. But I feel like when I see friends I can ask what they have been up to with a more genuine attitude since I don't already know what they've been up to. It has already paved the way for me to be more personable with people I call "friends". As well, it has made me be more genuine. Its not longer just polished, edited photos that I am putting out there. When people see me now, all they see is the real me and however I actually look, not necessarily how I want to look.
and lastly, 4) facebook is not inherently bad
I felt like this was important to mention, because my post can come across judgmental and that I think it's bad, or wrong for people to use. I don't think it's bad or wrong in the least! However, social media, like anything, can quickly become a god and a point of worship- either of self or others. It most certainly had for me. I was comparing my life, even subconsciously, to the lives of those on my newfeed. I think facebook becomes wrong when we start to think our lives are better or worse than everyone's and when we put the use of it above so many other things. I probably spend an average of 1-2 minutes browsing every time I opened the app. That's almost an entire hour of my day that I could spend a different way.
Look I'll be totally honest, the past week has been rough emotionally. So many little things have added up, and I have felt weary and joyless. But the Father has tenderly reminded me, that joy is not a circumstance. Joy is not a feeling. Joy is a choice. And I haven't been choosing it. Hold me accountable sisters, because today, I am choosing joy!
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