Tuesday, April 8, 2014

my head is spinning

Ugh these posts never go how I plan. I start typing, lose my train of thought, and end up writing all over the place. Basically, life is full of "new" all around me and I love and hate it.

Ok so maybe hate is tad intense. I don't really hate change, in fact I love it. But sometimes, it all comes at the same time, and I don't enjoy each individual change because I'm trying to cope with all of them. I really hope that makes sense.

So fast track update on all things in my life:

I have had this lady since October, and still have her. Its absolutely incredible how much you can love a little person! She is such a joy, and so sweet.

But things really didn't start changing up a whole lot until this past winter.

God has every family on an incredible journey, and ours has taken us a number of places and to be involved in the lives of a number of different people. That said, we all began feeling a stirring and God took our family out of the church we has been at for as long as I could remember. Often the question is "What happened?" But that's just it. Nothing "happened". God grew us there, and then He moved us to grow differently somewhere else. It's been a- well a painful journey. Most of December we kind of visited around. And by January we came across the place we're at now. It's been so good, but it's taken some getting used to. I grew up Southern Baptist, and this church is nondenominational. There's no Sunday school, and we take communion every week, and these are just the obvious differences compared to what I knew. The experience has been eye-opening to say the least, and I'm hoping to get involved soon. See I came from a pretty small church, and this church is almost 6 times as big. Its easy to look around and feel invisible. I've met a few people, but I haven't really made any "friends", if you get me.

So other than church life, I decided to start looking for a second job. I LOVE my Babygirl, but it just isn't enough to be able to save up for a car and such, so I put my name out there a little, and two days later I got a phone call. I chatted things over with this lady and we decided to meet and talk about it. Only for me to find out, that my parents wanted to move!(you weren't expecting that, were you?) So at this point I'm going "Ok God, You give- You take away. Is that how this works?" But my doubting heart was beat into submission of surrender and I just started praying like a warrior.

I met with this family and loved them instantly! They were very sweet and super easy going. I got a call from her on Sunday, saying they want to move ahead with this, and unless we move out of striking distance, I will begin child care for their infant starting in October! Basically, I owed the Father an apology for my doubt.

So there's work, life and church in a nutshell. Just when I think "That's enough big, life impacting events for a while." Another curve ball hits my still-running mouth. I guess I'll stop telling Him what I can and cannot handle, and trust that no matter what I face, He will be there with me through it, looking at me, his faulted daughter, and seeing instead His perfect Son, and loving me through it.

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