Saturday, October 14, 2017

The One Where We Became F.R.I.E.N.D.S

At almost 23, I decided it was time to watch FRIENDS. I wanted to see what I was missing out on. So heads up, in case you haven't seen it, it's timeless, still totally relevant. It's hilarious. And its me.

I feel the need to let you know however that I don't morally align myself with these characters, but personality-wise, its as if someone wrote a show based on my friends and I.

Hi, I'm Rachel. I can't get my life together and certainly can't keep up with where my friends are in theirs. I work as a barista (quote, "everyone I know is getting promoted, or married, or pregnant! All I'm getting is coffee! And it's not even for me!" I so can relate.) I'm wishy-washy in my opinions on pretty much everything unfortunately including relationships. I'm stubborn, a hopeless romantic, smart, sassy, and classy with a side of ditz.

But it's bigger than that. I have my Mon. My Ross. My Phoebe. My Chandler. I have my people. There are clear Nueces between us and them, of course. But at the core, these are my people, like those are Rachel's people.
The buzz phrase the last few years for the church has been to find the group of people you "do life together with". I can now vouch for how important this is! The idea is intended to extend beyond your family. Your community isn't exclusive to the people you share a home with. And since I was in middle school I have craved that kind of friend group. I have tried to make those ties no matter what church or situation I have been in. But surprisingly enough, it was when I stopped trying to force those bonds that they formed over a short period of time. A year ago, only two of us even knew each other. Now? These people are my people. My do life togetherers. My FRIENDS.

Its silly to compare us to fictional characters, but I've yet to find a closer comparison. There's a lot of value in knowing you've got people.

Find your people. Your community. Your do life togetherers. Find your Friends. And when you do, cherish them. Push each other towards Christ in all you do. Encourage each other. Be there for each other. Rejoice with each other. Go to a movie, grab dinner, have game night, serve together. It's not lost on me how ridiculous the comparison is, but it's no less important to have your people.

Jesus had 12. So who's your people?

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