Friday, June 6, 2014

Have we confused good and evil?

I am apart of a social network for homeschoolers, and I posted this on the forums. I didn't want to write a whole long post on these, but I did want to make a comment and I liked how this turned out so I'm just going to post here what I already wrote.

Our nation is quite obviously in a decline of moral character, no doubt. And in a rebuttal to one of the articles I'm going to talk about, this verse from Isaiah was tacked onto it, and guys, it hit me right between the eyes:

"Woe to those who call evil good
    and good evil,
who put darkness for light
    and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
    and sweet for bitter!"

Isaiah 5:20

The rebuttal was a response to the now viral video of a girl who filmed her face during her abortion and then posted it to the web. She wanted to promote a "positive experience" and give abortion a lighter view. I refused to watch the video, but did see a number of articles come out about it, and it made me sick.

The second was one that surfaced this last week or so, where a six year old came out as transgendered. I'm sorry, transgendered? You're six! Six year old's don't know what they want to play with or eat much less if they are the "wrong" gender! I don't care if they're old souls or mature, they simply cannot "know" this. (And also, God didn't get anyone's gender wrong.) These parents are now being applauded for supporting their child's choice.

I'm just wondering if we have our morals backwards here people. When did these blasphemous things become acceptable? How did the wool get pulled over eyes? What should we as believers be doing to stand up against these times when what is evil is being called good? 

1 comment:

Lydia Grande said...

This verse came to mind as I read this: Luke 11:33-35 "No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead he puts it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light. Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are good, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are bad, your body also is full of darkness. See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness."
The longer this earth is around, the more sinful it becomes. Things that used to be not even questioned as to whether they were good or not are now considered acceptable. Satan has blinded the eyes of so many, especially in our generation. It will only get worse. As Christians, this causes us to mourn because we know a perfect God never created us to do the things that the world deems acceptable and we also know that God can have absolutely nothing to do with sin because He is everything good. We naturely will mourn because when we become Christians, we take on the likeness of Christ and hence everything He hates, we hate.
We must not let this discourage us, however. In fact, it should empower us to let our voice be heard. It gives us an ergency to reach a declining generation. Our God is not dead, nor is He blind! He will repay those who have deceived this world with what is due them, but for now, our job is to speak truth.
In the darkest night, the stars shine all the brighter and even if they are few and far between, they still are there and darkness can not hide them. The stars are going to be the ones who do not let this world deceive us. Even though people will try and shut us down, we won't be stopped. God's Word has power beyond our wildest imagination!
Sorry for rambling, but that was what was on my mind. Keep being a light!!! :)