Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 3: My First Love

(Sorry I am not officially behind!)

My first love...

I think often times I hear this, and never really think about it.

You know the saying, "Imitation is the greatest form of flattery"? When you really admire someone, why do you? Because you love them! (Well in my opinion at least.)

Now, my family is very important to me. And if you haven't understood that while reading my blog, then I've done a poor job talking about them.

Now, understand, I love all of my family equally. I have a special relationship with my mom, dad, each sister, each brother-in-law, each little nephew and even each cousin, aunt and uncle. But this is the first person that I remember loving.

OK! All that just to say, the person I think I have admired (and thus imitated) the longest would have to be my dad. As a little girl, in my eyes he could do no wrong. Even still, as a young adult, its easy for me to view is strengths over his weaknesses. He's one of those people in my life, that I would not be able to disappoint. I explained it to someone by saying, "If everyone else in my life was disappointed in me, everyone, but my dad was proud. It wouldn't matter. And if in reverse, he was the only one who didn't approve of something, I wouldn't do it. I absolutely wouldn't. He's the one person I could not stand to let down. I hold him in too high of regard."

I remember just waiting by the window for him to come home at night. I remember one time, we went to the dump, and he took me to 7-11 afterwards. And this other time when he set up a small shooting range in our back yard (yeah don't worry we lived miles from anyone) and he would take us out there to shoot.

I really love my dad, even still after 18 years of admiring him, he's my first love, and will be until God brings the right man into my life. :)

~Daddy's Tilda

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