Tuesday, July 31, 2012

And then we grow up..

Before we do anything else in this life, we are born. After we are born, we breathe. Its happened to every person who now walks our earth. In America, we stay with mom at home until we are 5 or so when we begin our education. (Of course I was privileged to have mine given by my mother, at home.) From 5-17 or 18 every step of the way is written in stone. You go to grade school until 6th when you are thrust into the three hardest years. After that, its all futuristic from there. The next four years are built around the rest of our lives. And that, is a very scary thought. We're hit with the pressure in 10th grade when we must decide if we're going college prep or not. You might be surprised to know how many people don't go for prep courses. And if you don't, well. A lot of people instantly thrust you into the "failure" category. Either way, after graduation, even some who went college prep choose not to go to college. And even those who did, they go and they just know that they are in school for another four years. Eight if they go to grad-school and etc. After all those years though, the question weighing in on our minds is "now what?" For those choosing not to go to college, or only do four years, the question is asked sooner than others will. But at some point after or near the end of education, everyone asks, "now what?" Some people are blessed to have a job handed to them. Others like myself are left wondering just what are we supposed to be doing? Get a job fine. But I don't want to spend the rest of my life stocking shelves at a craft store.
I fully believe that God has created every life with an amazing purpose, but it's finding what my purpose is that's so difficult. Where does God want me? I know where ideally, I would like to be. But is that lining up with His will for me? I don't want to be something bad, in fact, I want to be a godly wife and mom one day. But until God brings that, what do I need to be doing? Who do I need to be serving or working with?
After the Pomp and Circumstance, once the tassel has been flipped, when all the Hawaiian meatballs and chicken salad is gone, it's not written out for us. When I wake up on May 19th, there's no plan. (As it is right now) I don't have a job lined up. I'm not taking classes at a local college. I'm not moving out. I'm not in a relationship; not getting married right now. I'm not doing any after high school programs. I guess what's even scarier than after May 19th, is that fall. When all my friends go back to school.

My only rest is knowing that HE has it under control, and I get the amazing privilege to watch Him work!

~A very thoughtful MadaLee

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